Volunteer applications for the 2025 Cobargo Folk Festival are CLOSED. All volunteer places are filled.
Thanks to everyone who applied.
For Job Descriptions go to Volunteer FAQs https://cobargofolkfestival.com/volunteer-faqs/
I’m a new vollie – what should I expect?
The Cobargo, Quaama and district community is a diverse bunch of people and you will meet a lot of us if you volunteer at the festival. Volunteers are the heart and soul of our festival. This unique energy and spirit of generosity creates the vibe that makes this a very special Festival.
“Folk Who Care” sits at the heart of who we are as a folk club, and as a festival. Since the 2019/2020 bushfires, caring for each other and caring for our community have become even more important priorities.
Volunteers have been essential to the success of the Cobargo Folk Festival since it began 28 years ago. The Festival would not be possible without the generous contribution of our volunteers, many of whom come back year after year to help us produce the event.
Volunteers bring a range of skills and backgrounds that help build the event. Our team includes tradies, artists, IT experts, experienced MCs, finance and admin, merch and marketing people and people who love tackling life’s harder challenges like waste management, amongst many others. Whilst a lot of our people are highly skilled, you don’t need any formal qualifications to lend a hand.
We ask for eight solid hours of volunteer work in return for a ticket with camping. Experienced volunteers who have worked with us before will be first in line. We receive way more applications than we can accept so please don’t take it personally if you don’t get in but do still come to the festival – we’d still like to see you all and get to know new people keen to come and volunteer with us.
We have a Code of Conduct which all volunteers must sign up to and observe. If you register to volunteer, it is important to remember that festival organisers reserve the right to not accept a registration if the person has been an inappropriate fit as a volunteer in the past.
We are aiming to be a ZERO LANDFILL festival again this year. Please make an effort to avoid bringing items that cannot be composted or recycled. Please work with the Zero Waste Warriors to sort your waste and take home anything that cannot be composted or recycled. Bega Valley Shire Council is providing us with waste grant funding again and we will have the hot wash stations on hand to clean your soft plastics and other waste so you don’t have to take home smelly rubbish.
We remind all volunteers that no alcohol is to be brought on site. We are a licensed event and the licensed area around the Entertainment Zone is clearly marked. We also have a strict NO GLASS policy imposed upon us by the liquor licensing authorities and look to all our volunteers to ensure that we meet these conditions of our liquor licence.
For further information please contact: Ali Taylor, Volunteers Manager volunteers@cobargofolkfestival.com — 0418611831 (TEXTS ONLY PLEASE)